
Towards a decent life and reserved rights for all refugees in Yemen and inside refugee camps, Society for Humanitarian Solidarity SHS contributed towards accomplish the goals sought by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNHCR to achieve it for refugees along with local and international humanitarian organizations, the society have begun its contribution in this process in Kharaz camp since 2002, after less than two years of the official opening of the camp.

Kharaz camp is located in Lahj governorate, Al Madharaba distinct west of Aden governorate, and it is far away from Aden 136 kilo meter.

The camp has almost 17 thousand refugees reside permanently in; nearly 50% of them are children.

Such a large number of refugees in the camp with an area less than 1.5 kilometers square meters are in need of considerable attention from all aspects, starting from healthy environment , clean water and provide education and health services where the camp is far away from the nearest city a distance of 136 kilometers, so the camp is considered as a big  city needs all  necessary services to find a decent life for residents and compensate them a part of what they the loss from decent life in their origin country.

Undoubtedly provide these essential services to camp residents on a permanent basis during the week needs an extraordinary effort, such that the society has participated since the establishment of the camp to create a strong infrastructure to accommodate the largest number of residents, to face the worst conditions that can be happen, for that the most essential services that underlying the daily life of refugees in the camp, are  carried out under the supervision of SHS, such as the nutrition program in the camp (feeding schools, feeding the new arrivals, feeding special cases), the monthly distribution of food to all camp residents, water supply, providing lighting for the camp, and electricity services In the schools, the  hospital, the staff compound, sanitation, hygiene in the camp, control pest inside the camp, the distribution of non-food items, and other challenging tasks.

The society succeeded in ensuring these services over the past nine years since 2002, and until now it faced most severe conditions in all stages and the services provided to refugees did not affected at all, this is due to the conciliation of God and to the presence of a highly qualified staff from SHS employees, who arrived to the extent of professionalism in carrying out humanitarian work under any circumstances.

all projects of the society are success 100%, and most importantly that our projects in Kharaz camp are implemented by the refugees hands in a rate up to 80%, and this makes the service continuing over time and under any circumstances because the refugees are serving themselves with their high participation, and this adds to our project in Kharaz several attributes include:

  1. Refugees in the camp feeling of great responsibility towards their brethren through their broad participation in the implementation process.
  2. Improve their lives by receiving  wages for large category of them during their employment in all sections of the project to implement the daily tasks, and also share many of them daily wage in all works inside the camp.
  3. Reduce the administrative expenses of the project through active participation of refugees in the implementation, and use that rationalization of spending to increase services to refugees, as the quantity and quality.
  4. Many refugees had gained crafts and careers through training by experienced employees which we brings from outside of the camp, so now we have refugees had all skills that we need in all areas and our daily works in all field. , for example, engineers, carpenters, technical drivers

The Society for Humanitarian Solidarity works day and night until the refugees reach to manage their own affairs in the camp by themselves and it encourage them to play the widest possible participation in implementing the projects inside the camp, such objectives are being achieved already.

SHS adopt refugee issues every time it has the opportunity inside or abroad Yemen, including the constant prodding to the international community to resolve the main issue of Somalia, and restore security and stability to this brother country to let its people live a decent life in their homeland, and we hope that they will attain it soon.