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SHS participates in NGO / CSO consultations in the Middle East and North Africa organized by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

Society for Humanitarian Solidarity (SHS) participated in NGOs / CSO consultations in the Middle East and North Africa organized by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) on mixed migration and the role of civil society organizations.
The conference held in Amman, Jordan on 20-21 June 2019 was attended by non-governmental organizations and civil society organizations from the Middle East and North Africa and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees. The conference discussed the refugees status and durable solutions and protection for mixed migration. Regarding to the protection of refugees, migrants and the difficult conditions and suffering faced by refugees, new or old arrival influxes and/or living in the cities or at the Kharaz refugees camp and their status as well as their possible solutions.
Mr. Nasser Bajnoob, Director of the Humanitarian Solidarity Society (SHS), spoke about the Takaful Humanitarian Society’s efforts and intervention to provide protection assistance to refugees, asylum seekers and migrants, together with cooperation with the United Nations High Commissioner and presented a clear and realistic picture of the refugees’ suffering. The Director reiterated about the already massive support and efforts; yet more could be and should be done. Particularly there might be a near absence of more international and local organizations and the lack of the role of the United Nations in providing all mandatory protection, especially for the new arrivals. It was stressed the need to strengthen the role of the Office of the High Commissioner and humanitarian organizations and other actors/ partners concerned and to carry out holistic humanitarian approach and provide the required protection. The crisis of the refugees, asylum seekers and migrants arriving daily to the Yemeni shores, and pointed out that it is a real crisis and the role of Bajnoob within the society towards assisting mixed migration is very advanced for the role of the United Nations, despite the difficult conditions experienced by the civil societies on the current situation in Yemen. The Director of SHS called upon all the humanitarian organizations to support evident and pragmatic community projects to help the civil society to tackle the increased flow of migrants and internally displaced people with basic social structural; which is lacking or dilapidated and needs to be reconstructed as the infrastructure of service projects such as water, hygiene, projects, health clinics that meet the minimum needs of the concerned population. For tens of thousands of migrants who take those peril roads and share bread with the communities on the road of their dreams.2He also pointed out that there is a big problem with the presence of refugees in the cities and the Kharaz camp in Yemen. They have been living under refugee status for 27 years and asked whether we are unable as humanitarian partners and actors in action and the United Nations to find durable solutions for those refugees who can’t work, aged/elders or hard-earned pilgrimages for lack of recognized documents. There is a person of concern who was born in the camp and grow up and probably got a little education and got married and had children who are currently studying in the school where he also studied, a vision from birth to becoming a father under refugee status !? Where the role of the United Nations in solving this problems faced by these refugees and making their future and the future of their children meagre.
In the past year 2018 and until May of 2019, there were those PIC who have opted returned voluntarily to their country of Somalia, an estimated of 3,300 refugees. This is a very joyous and promising step and should be encouraged. The Office of the UN High Commissioner of Refugees must provide these returnees with the means and conducive environment to live back in their country. On the same, encouraging the rest of the refugees to return to the safe areas of their country. On the other hand, he pointed to the problem of internal displacement in Yemen, there are about three million internally displaced persons who need assistance and about 75% of the Yemeni population need some kind of assistance according to official reports from the UN organizations. This is certainly reflected in the situation of refugees and immigrants. In one boat and one suffering.
In the latter, Nasser Bajnoob, Director of SHS, wished the conference participants success deliberations and proactive recommendations.

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